

现在如何协调你的财务状况 & 晚些时候

作为一个年轻的专业人士, it’s more important than ever to ensure you’re managing your money wisely, 无论是现在还是将来. Our team of financial education experts interviewed more than a dozen young professionals to hear their biggest money-related questions and concerns. 现在, we’ve assembled the most commonly mentioned topics with our best tips and tricks to help you make the most of your current situation and set you up for success in the future.

评估你目前的支出 & 储蓄

It’s important to know where you stand now before making a plan or setting goals for the future. Our experts have defined these three questions to help you establish a basis for where you stand with your saving and spending:

  • 你花的比赚的多吗?
  • 你知道你的钱花到哪里去了吗?
  • Have you clearly defined short- and long-term financial goals?

一旦你回答了这些问题, it’s easy to start moving forward by taking these simple steps:

记录你的支出: Use a pen and paper, a spreadsheet or a resource such as the 元素 Budgeting Tool

设计财务策略: Base your plan on the data from tracking your previous spending and setting new goals

建立应急基金: Start with at least $1,000 to ensure you are prepared for unexpected expenses

管理你的401(k): Ensure you are getting your employer's full match and consider contributing extra earlier in your career to lead to higher returns later


当我们花更多的时间在互联网上, social media giants and private companies continue to learn more about us and our spending habits. They use that data to target consumers at times and places that they are most likely to splurge and make a purchase.

这个过程是如何工作的? 这是典型的公式:

不想在网上花更多的钱? 考虑一下我们的理财专家给出的这些建议:

  • Consistently clear your web browser’s cache of stored cookies
  • Switch to private mode on your phone or computer to lessen the likelihood of being retargeted when shopping
  • Add items to your cart but do not check out until the next day
  • 花48小时考虑你的网上购物
  • Move money you would have spent on unnecessary online purchases to a savings account


Whether you’re working to pay it off or just looking to avoid it in the future, debt is something that plays a role in the life of nearly all young professionals. If you’re curious where your current position may be, consider these questions:

  • What debt do I currently have and what are my interest rates?
  • 我每个月有多余的钱来偿还债务吗?
  • 我的消费行为会导致更多的债务吗?

There are two highly popular debt repayment strategies we talk about with members. Both focus on one major bill at a time, so your debt is easier to manage. They are called “The Snowball” and “The Avalanche” and you can explore each method to determine which you prefer for your own debt repayment plan.  We recommend you begin by listing in a chart all your debts and including the creditors you owe, 你的最低还款额, 你的整体结余, 还有利率.

债务雪球: 用这种方法, you focus on eliminating the smallest balance you owe first, while also making minimum payments on all your other debts. 通过专注于较小的债务, you will see success sooner when you remove an entire line item from your chart, and it will mentally motivate you to knock out other progressively larger balances the same way.

债务雪崩: 这种方法首先处理你的最高利率, 不考虑平衡, 然后是你的最低利率. This can save you some money in the long run because you’ve eliminated your higher priced debt first your lesser interest rates will be okay sitting for longer.    


Buying a home is often a goal for young professionals and 元素 is here to support you with trusted advice, considering this is typically one of the largest purchases that you’ll make in your lifetime.

我该从何说起呢? 考虑以下这些项目作为起点:

  • Understand the multiple types of mortgage products and which works best for your situation
  • Work to improve your credit score to attain the best rate
  • Meet with a 抵押贷款 Loan Originator to get pre-approved before looking for homes with a Realtor

我的信用和我的抵押贷款有什么关系? Your score plays a large factor in a lender's decision and the terms:

  • Your credit score is a way to track how you manage money over time, 数据来自债权人, 公共记录, 还有讨债公司
  • This score is reported by three major credit bureaus and scores can range from 300 to 850
  • 通过提高分数, 你可能有资格获得较低的利率, 在整个贷款期限内为您省钱

元素 is able to offer competitive loan rates and unique products as a credit union. We have a team of more than a dozen 抵押贷款 Loan Originators who are experienced with all types of loans and are here to lead you along the way.


Investing is often just an expansion of your savings strategy and has the potential to earn much higher returns than a typical savings account or certificate.

在元素, we recommend that you meet with a qualified Financial Advisor to guide you through the investing process. You may want to ask them some initial questions when you meet for the first time including:

  • 你管理我的投资有什么报酬?
  • 你有专门针对特定类型的客户吗?
  • 你的投资组合的平均规模是多少?
  • How often would you evaluate my finances and provide me an update?
  • 我们多久聊一次?
  • 你的个人投资理念是什么?


有问题或需要可靠的建议? 我们的信用合作社专家随时为您服务.  联系要素 在你财务生活的各个方面给予支持.

This information is provided for informational purposes only. It does not constitute legal, tax or financial advice. Consult with your tax, legal or financial adviser before taking any action.


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