Caution: 欺诈 Spikes in the Holiday Season — 了解更多  //假期时间- 了解更多


达到 $500 现金红利3 当你购买或再融资时 提到促销码AUTO500

马上申请 得到预先批准 再融资

或打电话 1-

汽车贷款 感兴趣 率  4月  每月 付款 贷款期限 (个月)
新 & 使用2020 + 1.99% 1.99% $655.00 48
使用2018 - 2019 3.34% 3.57% $671.62 48
使用2016 - 2017 3.49% 3.72% $673.61 48
使用2014 - 2015 3.99% 4.22% $680.34 48

利率 effective December 1, 2021, subject to change without notice. 每个人的年度百分率(4月)由申请人的信用历史决定. Not all applicants will qualify for the displayed lowest rate. A $140 processing free applies to all booked auto loan applications. 4月 calculation and example monthly payments in 汽车贷款利率表 为新 & 使用2020 + 模型 一年s based on loan amount of $30,000, FICO®评分800或更高, 期限为48个月. 年利率计算和示例月付款为其他显示模型年基于贷款金额$30,000, FICO®得分730或更高, 期限为48个月. 率包括0.25% dedication for automated payment from an 元素 checking account. 可能适用附加条件. 须经信贷批准. 支付 shown do not include taxes or 保险 premiums. 请致电2013年及之前的车型.

好的赌博软件推荐 refinances subject to $200 refinance fee.


贷款 available for both new and used vehicles.


  • 利率低至1.4月99%1
  • Finance up to 120% of your car’s value including tax and license
  • 适合购买新车或二手车
  • 汽车贷款再融资2 也可用
  • 灵活的条款以适应您的预算


  • Closings typically in as quick as one business day


特别优惠的 好的赌博软件推荐的logo

达到 $500 现金红利3 当你购买或再融资时
汽车贷款 提到促销码AUTO500


We will loan you the money for a new or used vehicle, and you will pay it back with interest over a specified period of time.

提前计划是好的 提前批准你的汽车贷款. 这样你就能对你应该买的价格范围有一个更好的想法. Being preapproved also gives you good negotiating power with the seller.

元素 can finance up to 120% of your car’s value, including tax and license. It’s a good idea, though, to put down at least 20% of the purchase price. Of course, the more you pay up front, the lower your monthly payment will be.

We understand car shopping can be a bit overwhelming. 不要害怕! 我们有 partnerships that can 使 the process easier for you.



是的. 当你得到你的汽车贷款元素, you’re working directly with the lender rather than going through a middleman. A dealer will take a fee for arranging the loan, so it will end up being more expensive than going through 元素.


Thinking ahead is always a good plan when buying a vehicle. 申请汽车贷款 在你开始购物之前,你可以谈判你的交易事先批准融资在手. This way you also know what price range you’re shopping for. 



是的! 我们有 several partnerships that can 使 car buying a breeze.

  • 首选的汽车经销商 -如果您喜欢直接在停车场购物的便利,请访问我们的首选汽车经销商. 我们与印第安纳波利斯为基础的汽车经销商合作,为您带来梦幻般的交易和伟大的利率, 以及无与伦比的服务. 了解更多.
  • 汽车销售企业 - 你知道在企业汽车销售公司购买汽车和从其他人那里购买是不同的吗? Enterprise有超过250种产品和型号,所以你可以找到你想要的. 了解更多.
  • 汽车购买服务 - The mission of Members 汽车 Source is to provide a professional, 无痛, and cost-effective way to purchase or lease a new or pre-owned vehicle. 他们的目标是为您提供所有可用的信息,以便做出最好的购买决定. 了解更多.


There are no prepayment penalties or an annual fee associated with an auto loan.

元素 auto loans include a low $140 processing fee. 根据借款金额的不同,现有元素汽车贷款的再融资还需要额外支付200美元的费用. 您的元素贷款专家将提供有关您是否有资格获得这些费用减免的信息.

How do I get the funds once my loan is approved?

如果得到批准, 资金将通过电子转账或支票直接提供给经销商或卖方.


是的. 作为你的财务健康提供者, 我们想确保你的安全, 不管发生什么事. That’s why we provide loan and asset protection programs. It’s just one more way that we look out for your best interests.

保护您的购买, 以下项目是可用的,可以包装到您的每月付款:

  • 机械击穿保护(MBP), 也被称为延长保修, 汽车保护是否超出了制造商的工厂保修范围,包括意外机械故障的修理. For the period of time the contract is in effect, 您可以放心,您的车辆的覆盖组件将修复,在发生故障. This includes labor, subject to any applicable deductible. 了解更多.
  • 保证自动保护(GAP) 在车辆被盗或损坏无法维修的情况下,保护措施是否旨在消除您未付的净贷款或租赁余额. 了解更多.
  • 债的保全 protects your credit rating during uncertain and stressful times. 您的贷款将被取消或暂停一段时间,而没有罚款, 添加兴趣, or being reported as delinquent to the credit bureau when a covered event occurs. 涉及的事件包括死亡、残疾、非自愿失业、探亲假和住院. 了解更多.



更好的利率. 更少的费用.

因为我们是信用合作社, we return profits to members in the form of reduced fees, 更高的储蓄利率和更低的贷款利率.

可信的建议. 新鲜的方法.

We pride ourselves in being a trusted source for financial education. 你的财务健康专家会到你的工作场所来回答你的问题,并为你在人生每个阶段的变化中导航提供一对一的帮助.

尊重当地. 在全球范围内访问.

自1930年以来,我们总部位于印第安纳波利斯,在全国信用合作社中排名前3%4. We serve members in all 50 states and 50+ countries. 您可以在全国范围内使用5000多个共享分支机构,在全球范围内使用78000多台免费atm机.

高科技. 人类接触.

Our technology 使s banking with 元素 easy. 从快速的数字应用程序到哪个赌钱app比较好和移动银行,无论你去哪里,我们都在你身边. 我们在这里为您提供24/7的会员服务,并在工作日期间实时聊天.




  1. 在线申请 - You can apply online in as little as 15 minutes! Submit your application online anytime or call 1- 开始. Have ready your government-issued ID (driver’s license, state ID, or passport) and 住所证明.
  2. 接我们的电话 - 我们会在您提交申请后的一个工作日内与您联系,了解我们需要哪些文件,并回答您的问题. 我们也会询问你的车的价值, 使, 模型, 一年, 里程, 及VIN(如申请表上没有提供).
  3. 就是这样! - 我们会在做出决定后再联系你 1个工作日. 一旦你的申请被批准, we’ll contact you to sign documents and your loan will be complete!


Read more frequently asked questions about auto loans…

If I have bad credit, can I qualify for an auto loan?

Actually, there are several definitions of "good credit." So if you've had credit difficulties in the past, the best way to find out if we can assist you is to apply for a loan. 这样做没有成本, 我们的贷款工作人员将与你们一起努力,设法让你们的贷款申请获得批准.

What 保险 requirements do you have for auto loans?

When you have an 汽车贷款 with 好的赌博软件推荐, 你必须对贷款的价值进行全面保险,包括全面保险和碰撞保险. 的数组 保险 当您在我们这里贷款时,您还可以在我们这里为您的车辆投保. 得到一个 免费的在线报价 从元素金融保险集团撤资. 该应用程序是免费的,24/7,可以在任何地方访问互联网. If you would rather apply in person, then come on into a 分支 方便你! 我们友好的财务健康专家在这里以任何方式帮助你,他们可以. 或者你可以打电话给我们 1- if you would like to discuss further options before applying. 

How long will it take to receive my vehicle title after I pay off my 汽车贷款?

If your loan is paid off with guaranteed funds (现金ier's check, 现金, 或新的贷款收益)留置卡或所有权将尽快邮寄到适当的一方. 如果贷款是用个人支票支付的, we will wait 10 business days before we release the lien card or title.

We started with just the credit card and savings accounts, but now we also have our checking and both of our cars financed through 元素. I don’t think we could go back to working with a normal bank again.

布兰登-年代. |自2017年成为会员




  1. 1 利率 effective December 1, 2021, subject to change without notice. 每个人的年度百分比(4月)由元素的承保标准决定. 率 may vary depending on credit history, vehicle 模型 一年, and loan term. Not all applicants will qualify for the displayed lowest rate. 优惠费率包括1.在结帐时开立的元素支票账户自动付款可扣除25%. 第一次付款从贷款资金90天到期. 4月 calculation and estimated monthly payment of $653.71基于贷款金额30美元,000, FICO®得分730或更高, 48个月的期限, and the loan being a purchase or non-好的赌博软件推荐 auto loan refinance. 付款 shown does not include taxes or 保险 premiums. 可能适用附加条件. 须经信贷批准. Offer available for auto loans closed October 29 - November 14, 2021. 第三方再融资供应商交易不符合当前优惠利率. FICO评分低于640分不符合优惠费率或90天到首次付款. 
  2. 2 好的赌博软件推荐 refinances subject to $200 refinance fee.
  3. 3 汽车贷款 Related Maximum $500 现金红利 Offer -要求关闭汽车贷款,并在关闭时设置一个元素支票账户自动支付, 开始自动付款, 及在申请时提交适用的优惠码-按贷款总额的1%计算,上限为$500.一次性红利存入要素支票帐户,用于自动支付. If automated payments from the 元素 检查 Account are discontinued, 我们保留届时从支票账户余额中扣除奖金的权利. 不适用金融再融资和第三方汽车贷款交易.  /  Offer subject to credit approval and may be taxable. 元素 reserves the right to amend or discontinue offers at any time. 附加条款和条件可能适用. Please allow 4-6 weeks after qualifications are met for receipt of the bonus. 产品优惠不能与同一产品的其他促销优惠相结合. 每户一份.
  4. 4 基于截至2020年1月31日的资产规模
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