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支付一个朋友 & 电子钱包的选择

你很忙! 从任何地方付款.



支付一个朋友 allows you to send and receive electronic payments quickly and reliably. 这是 一个简单的方法来偿还你欠的人. 分裂的午餐, pay the dog walker or settle up on gas by using online banking or the 元素 手机应用程序.

  • 它很快-几分钟内就能拿到钱1 后发送
  • 它是免费的  发送方和接收方都不收取任何费用2

不要使用元素 Mobile应用? 下面的下载它.

 在App Store上下载      把它放在谷歌上玩


  • 登录哪个赌钱app比较好或元素 手机应用程序.
  • Select 转移/寄钱 从菜单上,然后 支付一个朋友.
  • Simply choose the person and their email or phone number you'd like to send money to. If you are using the 元素 Mobile app, you can select a person from your contact list.
  • Choose the amount and the 元素 Debit card you would like to send and receive money with.
  • Select continue - you will be prompted to a review screen where you can confirm your information and finalize your payment.
  • The recipient will immediately receive a text or email alert notifying them of how they can accept money.



Mobile wallets are gaining in popularity around the world because of their convenience, 安全, 以及——最近——它们的非接触式吸引力. 最流行的移动钱包包括苹果支付、谷歌Pay和三星支付. Each one allows you to input your credit and/or 借记 card information into a mobile device and make purchases both in-person and online, 如果被商人接受.


  1. 1 转移的时机: Transfers to remove the funds from the Sender’s Account may take place immediately. 然而, the timing of funds received will depend on when the Recipient responds to the email and when their financial institution posts the Transfer. 转账的过户取决于该机构的工作日. 影响转账过账的问题: Other events may affect the timing or success of a Transfer reaching the intended Recipient. 此类活动可能包括, 但并不局限于, 发送方或接收方在输入信息时所犯的错误, 不准确的帐户或卡号信息, 接收机构延迟投寄, 神的行为, 网络和NACHA的干扰. If we believe the Transfer may be illegal, we may decline or reverse the Transfer. The receiving institution may choose not to post the Transfer or to delay posting the Transfer. Neither the Credit Union nor the Service Provider is responsible for any delays in the Transfer of funds or the posting of funds to the Recipient’s Account. You may have certain rights and responsibilities regarding the failure to timely post transactions and you are encouraged to pursue dispute resolution with the receiving financial institution.
  2. 好的赌博软件推荐不收取任何费用来使用这项服务. 与您的财务和移动通信提供商确认网络外费用.
  3. 3 好的赌博软件推荐 健康储蓄账户 Debit Cards are not available for 苹果支付. 苹果、苹果标志、iPhone和iPad都是苹果公司的商标.该公司在美国注册.S. 和其他国家. 苹果支付和Touch ID是苹果公司的商标.
  4. 4 好的赌博软件推荐 健康储蓄账户 Debit Cards are not available for Google Pay. 谷歌,谷歌支付和谷歌标志是谷歌公司的商标.
  5. 5检查 三星.com/pay 为了兼容性. 好的赌博软件推荐 健康储蓄账户 Debit Cards are not available for 三星支付. ©2015三星电子美国公司. 三星, 三星支付, 三星Galaxy, 三星 Knox and Galaxy S (and other device names) are trademarks or registered trademarks of 三星 Electronics Co.有限公司. 仅依法使用. Other company and product names mentioned may be trademarks of their respective owners. Screen images are simulated; actual appearance may vary. Contact your bank or financial institution to verify that it is a 三星支付 participant. 三星支付可在部分三星设备上使用.
  6. 6 好的赌博软件推荐 健康储蓄账户 Debit Cards are not available for 贝宝.
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