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A Guide to Covering the Costs of Tuition

College is expensive, and the cost of attending most schools only continues to climb. Paying for college is a challenge for most families, but there are actually many ways to achieve a college education without having to pay upfront. 有助学金和奖学金, 贷款, and work-study programs available to you through many different sources. 在这篇文章中, you will learn about all your financial aid options, 你需要采取的步骤, and resources to support you along the way.



助学金和奖学金: Financial assistance that does not have to be repaid

贷款: Financial assistance that must be repaid

勤工助学: Financial assistance you earn while attending school to pay for educational expenses


(即金融援助: Awarded to students who do not have sufficient resources to pay for college

以业绩为基础的金融援助: Awarded to students in recognition of special skills, talents, and/or academic abilities


联邦政府: Through college financial aid offices and the US Department of Education

状态: Through your high school counseling office and state grant agency

机构: Through a college's independent financial aid office

私人: Through local organizations such as religious groups or civic clubs


  • College Choice 529 储蓄 Plan (or any other state’s 529 plan)
  • 房屋净值贷款
  • 学费付款计划
  • U.S. 军事
  • 和平队
  • 美国志愿队
  • 401k或寿险贷款


The Free Application for Federal 学生 Aid determines which students qualify for federal grants, 学生贷款, 和勤工助学工作, as well as eligibility for many private awards.


  • Remember that federal, state and school deadlines may vary.
  • The first step is to apply for an FSA ID.
  • Beware of scams and never pay for the FAFSA.


1) Complete Application Immediately after October 1

网上申请.fafsa.gov. 需要3-5天的时间处理.


The 学生 Aid Report (SAR) summarizes info on the FAFSA. 你应该在这里核实所有信息.


The Institutional 学生 Information Record (ISIR) summarizes info on the FAFSA. This is sent to all schools listed on the FAFSA.


When financial aid is awarded, a letter will be sent directly to student. The student will review and follow the school’s process.


You’ll lastly need to find financial aid and assistance for any unmet needs. This may include federal and private 学生贷款.



Federal 学生贷款 are government regulated, so it is important to know that these 贷款 have strict terms and conditions. However, these 贷款 come with added benefits that private 贷款 do not have.


  • FAFSA required and no credit report check
  • Repayment begins 6 months after graduation, or when student drops below half-time status or leaves school
  • 利率是固定的
  • 每年都有限制
  • Entrance and exit counseling exams required
  • 合并选项

Parent PLUS 贷款 and Graduate PLUS 贷款

  • FAFSA建议,但不是必需的
  • 需要核对信用报告
  • Repayment begins at graduation, or when student drops below half-time status or leaves school
  • Annual limits = cost of attendance - financial aid received
  • 合并选项


  • You may be able to temporarily postpone or lower your payments after college
  • You may be eligible to have some portion of your 贷款 forgiven if you work in public service
  • Interest may be tax deductible and there is no prepayment penalty fee



Private 学生贷款 are made by organizations such as financial institutions and state-affiliated organizations, so terms are created by the lender and are different for each entity. These 贷款 typically end up being more expensive that federal 学生贷款, but they can help fill the gap when other options have been exhausted.

  • FAFSA推荐
  • In the student’s name and may require a co-signer
  • 固定和可变利率
  • 合并选项


iGrad: Financial literacy tools and resources available at igrad.com/schools/elements

学生贷款任命: Meet with our 学生 Lending Specialist to explore options and identify differences between federal and private 学生贷款, get assistance completing your student loan application, and discuss options for undergraduate degrees and graduate students seeking a business degree.

本科生私人助学贷款: This private education line of credit fills the gap when you’ve exhausted all other lower-cost sources of aid. This type of loan is great for students attending most four-year public and private nonprofit schools because it covers the entire cost of attendance: tuition, fees, 书, 食宿, 其他有关费用.


有问题或需要可信的建议? Our credit union experts are always here for you. Contact 好的赌博软件推荐 for support in all aspects of your financial life. 

This information is provided for informational purposes only. It does not constitute legal, tax or financial advice. Consult with your tax, legal or financial adviser before taking any action.


融资你的梦想. Helping you reach your educational goals.




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