


人们通常活到八九十岁, it’s more important than ever to ensure your money lasts a lifetime. 无论你是职业生涯早期还是计划退休, 在你的储蓄策略中,有两个因素起着最大的作用:

  • 你目前的收入和储蓄能力
  • 你退休后追求的生活方式

探索这些问题 联系要素财富管理 to schedule a 免费咨询 to discuss how our LPL Financial Advisors can guide you on this journey.



There is no magic number and talking with a Financial Advisor about your unique situation is the best way to establish a target amount that fits your needs and aspirations. 据CNBC, a reasonable goal for many is “having the equivalent of your salary saved by age 30, 是你薪水的四倍,节省了40美元, six times your salary saved by 50 and eight times your salary saved by 60.“当你寻求拯救的时候, many experts recommend a savings goal of 10% to 15% of your pre-tax income each paycheck.



每个人对退休的看法都有点不同. 当你的职业生涯结束, 你可能不再领薪水了, although many people take up some form of self-employment that brings in an income. It’s up to you whether earnings will be part of your retirement plan, 但是,如果不, your savings should be robust enough to supplement your Social Security without sacrificing your desired lifestyle.


许多专家建议,如果你赚了100美元,退休时每年$ 000, 你至少需要80美元,000 per year to have a comfortable lifestyle after leaving the workforce.

- Elements财富管理

不管你现在多大, thinking about how you want to live at your target retirement age is a critical piece of the financial planning puzzle. To get a reasonably accurate figure of how long your savings will last, you can derive your annual “burn rate” by taking your life expectancy age, minus your retirement age and multiplying your projected average annual spending for a target dollar amount you’ll need in savings.


开始计划或修改你的策略永远不会太迟. 不管你是否刚刚开始积累, 或者你已经攒了一大笔钱, financial planning is a valuable step to making sure your retirement savings are in check. Here are key aspects to consider when making or revising your plan:

  • 现金流: Identifying your spending habits now will help gauge your cash flow needs in retirement. Failing to have a clear picture of your bills and expenses can dramatically reduce your ability to meet your financial objectives. This additionally gives you a glimpse at how your spending may look during retirement.
  • 风险管理: Analyze the types of insurance you carry to make sure they’re aligned with your overall needs. 在许多情况下, insurance can also be used effectively as an alternative revenue stream and a hedge against inflation and riskier types of 投资. Insurance, including life and long-term care, should be considered in your retirement strategy.
  • 教育资金: The costs of education for children and grandchildren can be staggering and always on the rise. Arm yourself with current information about proactive educational savings vehicles that can help you plan your funding goals. Ensuring you don’t overspend on education and jeopardize your long-term savings is an important part of planning ahead.
  • 退休收入: 社会保障福利, 赞助计划, 投资, ira, and annuities typically combine to compose your retirement income. 为你决定正确的组合可能是一项艰巨的任务, but your financial advisor can guide you to support your investment and tax strategies.
  • 遗产规划: 建立信任, regularly reviewing your legal documents and beneficiary designations, and examining tax implications for survivors are vital to establishing a plan that provides you and your loved ones with greater confidence and security.  Consider these important topics and their impact on your personal situation. They each play a role in preparing you for the ultimate goal: retirement. 

Consider these important topics and their impact on your personal situation. They each play a role in preparing you for the ultimate goal: retirement. 我们是来指导你的 免费咨询所以,联系一位值得信赖的LPL财务顾问.


We're a diverse team of Financial Planners who share a common goal: to help you pursue your dreams.
  • 你们提供什么服务? Our LPL Financial Advisors start by looking at each client’s overall finances including savings for education, 税, 遗产规划, 和退休的贡献. Then they work to craft a personalized plan that makes sense for each individual and leads clients towards their goals.
  • 谁从你的服务中受益? 无论你是新手还是资深投资者, 我们有工具来帮助你的旅程. We don’t have account minimums, so we are here to support all levels of investors.
  • 你怎么收费?? Our LPL Financial Advisors typically operate with one simple fee — based on the assets we manage on your behalf. They’re able to deliver financial planning and objective advice under this fee.

我们的顾问 have more than 125 years of collective experience and are prepared to assist you with all your investment needs. 




225 South East Street; Suite 156
印第安纳波利斯, IN 46202



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